

SA StudioAlpha筑人 2024-04-18


SA OpenProject+89 总结

在近现代的住宅设计中,“核心家庭(nuclear family)”一直被作为城市中最基本的社会单元与经济单元。但随着城市化的不断进行,居住需求也随之变得更加多元化。本次课题以“十人”为居住空间的设计对象,旨在挑战传统的“核心家庭”观念和固有的居住模式。
由Stephanie Li老师指导、多位评图嘉宾参与的SA Open Project+89 十人居系列的第二次课题,学生们会有怎么样的想象和成果呢?

Final Work

“Under Public Sphere” 

The subject is ten different stake holders who are relevant to  the development of people’s park in Berkeley, USA. More specifically, subjects include developers, students, homeless people, a mayor, NGO volunteers, and a professor. The form of housing is divided into three parts to metaphorically showcase the step-by-step investigation of an actual public discussion. The ground floor looks symmetric and harmonious, referring to the seemingly equal and fair public sphere on the surface. Then the -1F plan starts to reveal the irregularity and chaos of the actual unequal life conditions of residents. Finally, the -2F plan exposes the hidden exchanges and prejudice of people.


老师点评:We think that Leo’s concept and argument is one of the strongest, and his design and representation does a pretty good job to support his own concept.

“The Fame Machine”

The inhabitant is an Asian idol group of ten members. The project reflects the development and decline of idol groups, alluding to the consumerism of culture industry and how it affects the lives of celebrities. With a circular shape that expands and contracts according to the popularity of the group and partitions between group members that rotates, the living conditions (square footage) are decided by their fame.


老师点评:We think this project is one of the most resolved projects. The topic is interesting and relevant, and the design is very clear, clever and well-illustrated.

“House for A Hundred Years of Solitude” 

The subject is nine family members and one ghost in the Buendia family in the world-known literature work “One Hundred Years of Solitute”. The form of housing is a nine-story circular tower with one person on each floor, spatializing the linearity of history, the circulation (or repetition) of time, and the overlapping of different generations. Sitan attempts to materialize her understanding and interpretation of the book in the process of design. For her, Marquez’s magical realism is largely embodied in his unique narrative which the past, present and future emerge in the same space.


老师点评:We think that she definitely has a very ambitious narrative and concept. The spatial translation is on a right track but needs more work.

“A House for Ten Youtubers” 

The subject is ten youtubers that make a living by making youtube videos, and the form of housing is presented by two parts to symbolize the selection of reality in the media era.


老师点评:We think that they have picked a wonderful theme. It implies the new relation of production, reproduction, and consumption. However, the form seems to be too simple to materialize the relationship between “the selected reality of youtubers on stage” and “the actual reality of youtubers behind stage”. And for the next step, we wish to see more development on the transition part between the actual life and selected life. In other words, how youtubers processed, edited, and filtered their life for showmanship.

“Become Masters”  

The inhabitants of project are ten single cat keepers. The project reflects on the phenomenon of increasing population keeping pets, but she is critical of the current relationship of human and their pets where people are still the master and pets simply fit within our living environment. Thus, the project proposed the spatial reversal of the above relationship where the house for ten cat keepers is a landscape designed for cats to live freely and human lives in glass boxes with basic amenities. 


老师点评:We think the topic is very inspiring and ambitious as it taps into the concept of anthropocentric ideology and posthumanism. The design and the plan are quite clear, but the diagrams and perspectives are fairly weak.

“Paradise Field”

The inhabitants are ten “urban strays” who wish to escape the formatted daily lives and the stress in urban environment. The project took inspirations from early form of inhabitation in contrast to the current dominating house typology to form a poetic environment for people to live freely.


老师点评:We think the representation of the project is good enough to create a poetic atmosphere, but for us, the design seems to have too many “moves” or “references” that kind of undermined the project.

“The Colored Complex” 

The subject is ten visually impaired people, and the form of housing is a maze-like complex with a coded system of color. His concept is that, the color coding inside the housing area can function as a clear navigating and wayfinding system for the visually impaired to locate themselves. Also, Yu’ang thinks that because of the invitation of such new layer of wayfinding, residents can actually accept form with much higher level of complexity.


老师点评:We think that color is rarely a core theme of a student project and his idea of utilizing the color is interesting. Yu’ang spent a fairly long time to form a cohesive argument and as a result, time was limited for him to finish the final representation. We believe that the project can be better illustrated if he could expand on more diagrams and other drawings.

“Four Quarters”  

The subject is ten characters form a Chinese novel “The Hangzhang Family”. These ten people make up four nuclear families and three different social stratus. The form of housing is a four-quarter square centered by a cross-shape corridor and enclosed by a production chain. Inspired by the case of Hanzheng Street, Wuhou, where production created harmony, Yu Lin envisaged a scenario of which the four families break the physical as well as mental barriers and form an extended family as they run a restaurant collaborately.


老师点评:We both think that Yu is a student that work super hard but she has difficulties getting rid of concepts that are irrelevant to the project’s core concept. Also, we think that her form has a very high level of complexity yet the argument it reflects on needs to be stronger.

“An Exploration of Pedagogy in Residential Design” 

The subject is nine elderlies with distinct personalities living with one little child. The form of housing is a motherboard room plugged in by nine different housing units symbolizing nine different personalities. Xiayi presents an alternative education for the child because of both the human and spatial combination. In stark contrast to the typical Chinese pedagogy of which lecturers merely teach and students simply listen, the alternative mode provides a possibility where the child learns and grows through the daily observation as well as imitation to the accompanied elderlies. 


老师点评:The project really taps into some of the most critical social issues of China nowadays, education, one-child policy and aging population and the premise of nine old people with different characteristics is very interesting. However, we think the project still needs more work on imagining their way of living in more detail.

“Hey Look”

The ten inhabitants are low-income people in metropolises, like HK. The project researched the condition where the mass population who worked hard in building the city had to either live elsewhere or in really bad conditions because of their financial situation. The project then purpose to make a statement by designing a “billboard house” for ten low-income people reclaiming the center of the metropolis at a spot where they cannot be neglected.


老师点评:We like the social critic of this project and we think to make a “billboard house” is very clever. However, we believe the form of the house can be more free and dynamic to take advantages of the height of a billboard.


From L同学:通过十人居这个op,我对于美国学生作业的侧重点有了一定了解.十人居是我第一个开始的作品集项目,我感觉很幸运能在第一个项目里找到接下来应该努力和深入的方向。可以说这个OP不但对该项目本身帮助很大外,而且为我接下来的项目进展提供了方向。

From W同学:很喜欢这个op!从十个人的角度重新思考住宅的模式,以前从来没有尝试过,过程中看到很多同组其他同学的设计,感觉都好有趣,向他们学到了很多东西,还有老师给我们整理思路的时候,超级温柔,把我们一团乱的想法梳理出一条清晰的线索,五周时间非常充实紧凑,总之很喜欢!

From W同学:我觉得这个OP很特别,十个人的设定本身就能开阔思维。我很喜欢这个OP的过程,我们先找出十个人和他们之间的关系,然后转化成建筑的语言,这样每一个步骤都是有依据的。和以前的拉体块再填功能的顺序不同,这个方案很早就进入了带有人和家具尺度的平面和剖面,所以一直很清晰。这是我第一次尝试比较概念的方案,能选择自己喜欢的人群和表达方式,并且能完成这个方案,我也挺开心的。

From L同学:op 的brief没有给十人有具体的定义,也没有场地限制,这和以往在学校中的studio很不一样,没有任何限制条件。但事实上,自己完成背景故事,适用人群之间的故事还有所有的逻辑叙事才是做这个op所要面临的挑战。我们设想如何在设计诗意空间的同时给人们带来新的生活体验,在脱离了限制之后如何让人们回归原始自由的生活状态。老师在上课的时候给了很多case和有效意见,让这个项目没有处在失控的状态里。我觉得挺好的:)

From L同学:⼗⼈居(House For Ten)这个话题从一开始就吸引着我,因为第一次看到这个标题的时候,就觉得这个话题有的做。因为⾃己的作品集中没有⼗人这种尺度的建筑,所以便毫不犹豫的报名了。老师真的非常负责,整体的过程给我的感受就是很顺利,不怎么会有很纠结的时候,陈⽼师很能理理解我们的表述,就是说我们话说⼀半陈⽼师已经知道我们在问什么了。有这样的⽼师的话,我们根本不⽤担⼼心沟通⽽发愁,每节课都能得到最有效的反馈,可以及时调整作业。李⽼师对进度的把控很到位,往往会给我们定⼀个做事的优先级,这样就可以专注的完成⼀件事情,是⼀种有条理的做事方式,我特别开⼼。总的来说,五周的时间产出还是很可观的。

From L同学:作为一个规划的学生,我一开始报这个op比较谨慎,居住的主题让我担忧是否会陷入不擅长的领域。但是事实证明我是多虑了,在整个op的过程中,老师很鼓励也帮助我去用城市的角度去重新审视这个题目,在帮助提取方案的主论点方面很有帮助。最后我成功做出了一个具备城市思考的建筑作品,填充了我缺失建筑尺度作品的空缺。在OP组织上我认为对进程的把控合理,答辩的安排也让人很舒服,适合对自己太仁慈的同学们报名。

From S同学:感觉非常幸运参加了十人居的op,不仅收获了一个自己很满意的作品,还认识了两个特别好特别好的老师~ 这个op很吸引我的一个点是可以不受场地的限制来自由地做自己想做的东西,刚开始我的想法有些混乱,但李老师和陈老师不仅帮我理顺了思路,还使设计得到了很好的推进和发展,最后成果也很好。两个老师都很有才华也很负责任,是我的榜样了~

From W同学:首先,老师设置的课程设置非常好,能让我们在短时间里循序渐进的完成一个完整的项目。在过程中老师对于时间的安排也很灵活,会根据每个同学不同的进度来给同学空间去提出自己的建议。每周老师给的意见也很有帮助,从想法开始就能给出多种可能性,直到后期能从多角度给出深化作品的想法,这极大的程度上推进我们完善和完成最后的作品。

From L同学:The one-month house for ten open project has left me with a lot of thoughts and also some very valuable lessons. My two wonderful tutors, Stephanie Li and Chen, guided me through the process of building an operable design theory to actually developing a spatial concept from that theory. In the first few weeks, they helped me with the selection of the design theory based on the principle of articulation and clarification. And while I was developing a spatial concept, they helped me figure out and accent the key feature in my proposal, which is the transformation of the condition of the four-family congregation. In the last few weeks, they managed to sort out the logical sequence for me as well as support me with a lot of diagram sketches, which made my narration of the story kind of clearer. All in All, this is really a fruitful open project. sincere appreciation goes to my tutors, Stephanie Li and Chen. And I really hope through further work it will become a qualified project in my portfolio.

From Z同学:十人居这个项目对于我而言十分有意义,因为之前我所涉及的的作品项目更多的是从设计方法以及空间感受出发。在十人居的项目中我开始讨论了关于中国社会问题中的少子问题,从真实的社会背景出发,讨论了一些方面的解决问题。这些问题虽然不够全面,但在这个过程中的学习还是很充实的。总而言之,在这次op中学习到了很多,老师的认真负责也让我督促自己按时完成每一期的任务。很开心自己选择了这次op,也再一次感谢老师的指导。

From H同学:在OP中两位老师带给我么有趣, 创新的设计指导。在课程中, 老师的指导,包括课程中的讲评, 推荐的参考案例,参考文章,参考书目都拓宽了我对建筑设计的认知, 了解了更多设计的可能性,对我今后的设计也很有启发。同时, 老师注重解决问题的针对性, 注重逻辑的梳理, 在方案讲述的方面也对我很有启发。我第一次尝试批判性的, 非实际项目的设计, 两位老师的指导对我帮助很大。其中两次请外来的老师进行的中期和后期评图也给我我很多反思, 让我在此基础上继续调整方案。且两位老师十分认真负责,即便超出了课程预期的时间延续到很晚, 老师们也会对每一位同学给出高质量有建设性的feedback,在课后我提出问题时,老师也会及时的给出认真反馈,对我方案的推进很有帮助。一个小建议是希望老师可以更好的把控课程的节奏, 和每个节点的成果。




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